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Option Calculator/ Structure analyzer

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What is Leviathan's Option Calculator?

The Structure Panel is the place where options structures are designed. Be it a simple Call/Put, a Vertical Spread Strip, a Condor Spread, or any number option combinations. This is the initial step in the deep dive analysis of your option structure. When a structure is built, it can then be analyzed historically via a constant maturity look back chart to assess its current richness/cheapness and a forward looking heat map to show how the structure progresses with respect to time and futures fluctuations.

Why use our option Calculator?

In the vast market of stocks and options trading, having a robust tool that can assist in valuation and profitability is crucial. This is where our option trading calculator comes into play. At Leviathan Financial Management, we’ve developed a state-of-the-art calculator designed to help traders accurately evaluate and optimize their trading decisions.

One of the standout features of our calculator is its comprehensive calculation capabilities. It’s not just about assessing the value of a stock or an option; it’s about delivering precise analysis for ANY option combinations possible.

How deep is the analyzer?

Every seasoned options trader understands the importance of the Greeks in options trading. These are the factors that influence the value of an option contract. Our calculator doesn’t just stop at calculating the base value of your options; it dives deep into the Greeks. This accuracy ensures that your trading decisions are based on comprehensive analysis, allowing for a clear assessment of risk and reward shifting curves with market movements.

Risk, Portfolio, and other Market Considerations

Risk is an integral part of trading, but with the right tools, it can be managed effectively. Our option trading calculator aids in the evaluation of potential risks, ensuring that traders can optimize their portfolio to align with market movements and their investment goals. Whether you’re considering a weekly option trading strategy or delving into high probability option strategies, our calculator’s precision and utilization capabilities make it an indispensable tool.

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